care leavers
In December 2024, we updated the inspecting local authority children's services (ILACS) framework. This blog will discuss why we’re making these changes, the reviews that informed them, and how we are responding to your feedback. Why we updated the framework …
Yvette Stanley, our National Director for Social Care, discusses our proposal to inspect the experiences and progress of care leavers. In June we announced proposals to introduce a separate judgement about the experiences and progress of care leavers in our …
Yvette Stanley, Ofsted’s National Director for Regulation and Social Care, considers the recent All-Party Parliamentary Group Spotlight Inquiry and reflects on how independent visitors can be an important source of lasting friendship and support for children in care. We have …
Yvette Stanley discusses our new research, published last week. Last week, we were pleased to launch our report, ‘Ready or not’, on the views and experiences of children in care aged 16 and 17 and care leavers on their preparation …
During National Care Leavers' Week, Yvette Stanley, our National Lead for Regulation and Social Care, discusses our forthcoming research publication on planning for leaving care.
Dr Donna Brown, Head of Research, on our care leavers survey and forthcoming research project.