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looked after children

Changes to our SCCIF guidance to improve stability for vulnerable children

Text reads: 'Blog post - Changes to our SCCIF guidance to improve stability for vulnerable children' Next to this, a young person is speaking to a man with a clipboard.

Next month, we will be making a small number of changes to our social care common inspection framework (SCCIF). These are mainly aimed at children’s homes and fostering agencies. The changes are intended to encourage more providers to look after …

Setting up provision for children with the most complex needs – tips, reassurance and a new advice form

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: children's homes, children's services, looked after children, social care regulation
Text reads: 'Blog post - Setting up provision for children with the most complex needs – tips, reassurance and a new advice form' Next to this, two people are sat in armchairs talking

It is often a struggle to find the right social care provider for children with the most complex needs. We want to help those wanting to open provision for them, and commissioners that are looking for suitable homes. So, we …

Unregistered children’s homes: too many vulnerable children are placed at risk

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: children's services, looked after children, safeguarding, social care regulation
A child sits alone hugging their knees. Next to them, text reads: "Blog post: Unregistered children’s homes: too many vulnerable children are placed at risk"

We have published our new analysis of the concerning rise in the use of unregistered children’s homes. Last year, we opened over 1,000 cases to investigate potential unregistered settings. Why are we concerned? Some of the most vulnerable children are …

Our response to the government's social care reform proposals

A woman is filling in a form. Next to it text reads "Blog post: Our response to the government's social care reform proposals"

The Department for Education (DfE) has published a policy paper on its proposals to reform children’s social care. This is a significant opportunity for the government, the sector and Ofsted to better serve the nation’s most vulnerable children. We have …

Providing good experiences for children with complex needs

An image of a woman showing a child something on a laptop. Next to it, text reads "Blog post: Providing good experiences for children with complex needs"

***Update: we have also released a podcast on this topic*** In January, we published a new research report on children with complex needs in children’s homes. The report was based on a national survey of local authorities and children’s home …

Ofsted's response to Stable Homes, Built on Love

Ofsted’s consultation response Last month Ofsted submitted its response to the government’s consultation Stable Homes, Built on Love. I am sure many of you did the same. There’s a lot in the proposals that we welcome. With additional resources and …

Foster Care Fortnight 2023

A woman and two men sitting with a young child, smiling and talking.

As we begin another Foster Care Fortnight, I want to again offer our rightful appreciation to the people providing incredible yet often unremarked-on foster care to tens of thousands of children every year.

Fostering a child is an incredibly generous and selfless thing to do even in the best of circumstances. But in the tough context we currently live in, it is a remarkable act.

Getting ready to regulate supported accommodation

Two young people cooking together

We’re fast approaching the time when we can accept applications to register as supported accommodation providers. This is a whole new area of work for Ofsted, providing important regulatory safeguards for children. Over the last year, we’ve been busy getting ready – recruiting inspectors, developing our registration guidance (due to be published soon), and planning ahead for beginning inspections in 2024.