Children need stability in all areas of their lives

Yvette Stanley blogs about the findings of the Children’s Commissioner’s second Stability Index.
Yvette Stanley blogs about the findings of the Children’s Commissioner’s second Stability Index.
Yvette Stanley marks Foster Care Fortnight.
I’m delighted to have this opportunity to communicate with you in my new role as Ofsted’s National Director for Social Care. With week 1 under my belt, I’d like to talk a bit about what matters most to me and what my focus will be, moving forward.
Today we published our annual fostering data: ‘Fostering in England – 2016-17’. As ever, we are grateful to all the agencies and local authorities for the time they have taken to collect and share their data with us.
At the end of February, we were delighted to publish Ofsted’s new social care common inspection framework (SCCIF). Simply put, it brings together all our inspection guidance for 8 different types of settings into one straightforward framework.