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Eleanor Schooling

Eleanor Schooling is National Director, Social Care on a temporary basis from September 2015.

Eleanor was Corporate Director of Children’s Services, London Borough of Islington and is involved in many activities outside of her present role:

•London Safeguarding Board DCS and Adviser on Sector Led Improvement
•Vice Chair Association of London Directors of Children’s Services, Sector Led Improvement Lead
•National Chair Standards Performance and Inspection Committee, ADCS
•Director of Schools, Cambridge Education@Islington

Eleanor was awarded the CBE in June 2016 for services to children and families.

Inspecting children’s homes: progress matters

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Foster carer plays with a young girl and boy who look happy

Children’s homes play such an important part in some children’s lives. So I want to talk to you today about the fact that there are many homes that are doing a fantastic job for children. Earlier this year, Ofsted visited a children’s home in the North West. Four children who have emotional and behavioural problems live there.